Monday, February 28, 2011

Libya bombs military base in region held by protesters

      The situation in Libya has escalated to newer hights in a very short period of time. Recently protestors captured several Libyan military bases with little or no violence because of soldiers and military personel that sympthsized with the protestors. Moammar Gadhafi, the current leader of Libya, in his struggle for power ordered a military jet to bomb one of these protestor control bases. The base is located 90 miles south of Benghazi. No death toll number has been released as of yet.
      When I read this I was very suprised. I knew that things were bad in Libya but I had no idea they were this bad. I sypathize with the protestors. I agree that any leader that would bomb his own land should be tossed out of office. If it was my choice to make, I would let him either rot in a prison cell or stand him up against a wall and let a firing squad take care of him. I think that he has lost touch with reality and needs to be removed from office by force.
      I think that if he had listened to protestors at the begining that the conflict could have been resolved without violence. But then again I dont know what started the rebellion so I can't be sure. What do you think, tell me by posting a comment.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Americans slain by captors on hijacked yacht; pirates killed, arrested

This is articile is about a boat that was hijacked by somalian pirates. this occurred of the coast of Oman. There were 4 hostages abord the hijacked ship. They were shot to death by pirates. the U.S. navy had already began negotiations for the release of the hostages when the killing occurred. there were 19 pirates involved in this incedent.
      When i read this i was shocked i mean why would pirates do that. they were negotiating the release of the hostages were killed. if they had wanted money they would have waited to get the money before killing the hostages. because they did not do so they obviously had other intentions.
       The question is wat are those intentions. Did they just capture and kill for the fun of it? Did they just want to emotionally hurt the families of the hostages.
or mabye the hostages tried to take back there ship by force and failed. wat the true events were we do not know.
      Comment on this post and tell me wat you think.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Italy judge to decide on Berlusconi trial

      According to CNN, there is a lawsuit being filed against Italian prime minister Berlusconi for sex abuse. Sunday thousands of protestors gathered in the streets and held signs like "stop Berlusconi, you put us to shame" in addition there is extreme unrest about the case.
     I agree with the protestors. Personally I think that he should be removed from office. Think about it. THIS GUY IS IN HIS 70s. I know that it is not illegal to pay for sex but she was UNDER AGE (17) at the time of their "interaction."
      I am also amazed at the size of the protests. I mean, there were more 160,000 protestors in just Milan and Rome together. THAT IS A LOT OF PEOPLE.
      both the prostitute and Berlusconi denied having sex but the prostitutes room mate said that she had been told by the prostitute that they had "sexual relations." Also when they first met she reportedly got 7000 euros the equivelent of 9300 dollars. He has also in the past promoted retired female models to office positions.
if you ask me all the evidence pionts to "GUILTY" and "PETIFILE"

Monday, February 7, 2011

Some 400 ticket-holding fans denied seats at Super Bowl XLV

      STUPID. Really who does that? I really feel sorry for those people that had the doors slammed in their faces. Serioselly those NFL flunkies need to sort their priorities. i think they should have sold only as many tickets as there were seats available. on the other hand the people affected by this are getting three times the money they spent back as well as tickets to the next superbowl. thats a lot.
      I also think that the NFL people could have handled the situation differently. For example if they had just put  those 400 people in a different part of the stadium. Because even if I got tripple the money I spent I would still be very ticked off. I mean even with all that money alot of people were in tears and cursing and sobbing , etc.
      next time these people will think differently about buying tickets from the NFL. i also think that because of this the NFL lost face on this deal because now peoplle are thinking "What if that happened to me."