Monday, March 28, 2011

U.S. Supreme Court rejects appeal from Georgia death row inmate

      The man being convicted was nineteen at the time of the crime and was reportedly seen harassing a homeless man. An off duty police man stepped in on the homeless mans side and the convict shot him twice. he has tried several times for an apeall and has pleaded inocent at every hearing. He was about to be put to death in 2008 when the supreme stepped in and agreed to hear his case. There is much doubt as to wether or not he is inoccent.
      I don't really know what to think about this case because 7 of the 9 witnesses that testified at the original hearing repealed the testimony after a short time. I dont think that he is really guilty because if he was those witnesses would have stuck to the story the told. I think that they should let him serve a sentence instead of killing him because i would not like to die if i was inocent. i think that they should convict him beyond all resonable doubt before executing him.
      But if he is guilty I would kill him because he killed another man. i dont think that the goverment should waste time on killers instead they should just be killed off. Dead men cant hurt others so kill them.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Ohio uses new, untested drug to execute death row inmate

      The man suppossedly killed a store owner to deserve this. The victim was a south korean immigrant shot at close range. The killer was executed with pentobarbital, a drug used often by veteranarians to kill animals. 8 people witnessed the execution.
      Did you know that only 37 states have the death penalty? I think they should reenstate it in all the states. Think about it, if you kill a person then you should be killed. AN EYE FOR AN EYE is what the old saying is. And anyway if they just rot in some prison then you are wasting tax payers money on some idiot who is stupid enough to kill a person. Just give them a dose of there own medicine!!!
      Also if you let them out eventually, chances are they are going to do it again. And then its back to prison to waste some more tax payers money. I say just kill them.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Sex Trafficing Crime Family Jailed

      The father and son pair arrested in this incedent had been luring young women from Romania into the UK. they did this by pretending to love the women and saying they were going to marry and then selling them or forcing them to prostitution in Madrid, Spain and England. They were forced to work 12 hours a day and ere often raped by the father and son. Ocasionally they were also sold.
      When i watched the video on this i was appalled. In all they lured 11 women and forced them to prostitution!!! that is a lot!!! people that do this must really have no feeling of guilt. I dont think that prostitution should be legal. If it wasnt i dont think that things like this would happen as often as they does. there is a high security jail in england that has more than 600 sex trafficers in it and most of them had been doning this for a long time!!! that is a lot of victims that have been sold or forced into prostitution.
      i dont think that people like these should be let out of jail alive. I mean, they treated other people as property that was dispensable and some of them killed the prostitutes if they were not making enough money or were rebelling against them. i would give them a taste of their own medicine. What do you think?